DiscoverU Life Values Assessment

Your values are beliefs that influence your behaviour and decision making. The Life Values Assessment is designed to help you gain insight into your values and prioritize them in order to make balanced and fulfilling decisions.

How It Works

Tell Us What Guides Your Behaviour

This assessment contains 42 beliefs that guide people's behavior and helps them make important decisions. Read each one and then choose the response (1 to 5) that best describes how often the belief guides your behavior. For example, if a belief in 'Being Healthy' almost never guides your behavior, tick 1. If 'Being Healthy' almost always guides your behavior, tick 5. If the best answer for you is between 1 and 5, tick the number 2, 3, or 4 that most accurately describes how this belief guides your behavior.

This Is Not A Test

Usually the first response that comes to your mind is the best indicator of how you feel. There are no right or wrong answers. Your choices should describe your own values, not the values of others.

There Is No Time Limit

The assessment may take 15-20 minutes to complete. Please take your time answering the questions. There is no need to rush!

Please read each statement carefully & select only one response. Please do not skip any items. All items are required.